Saturday, September 16, 2023



Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week


Writing Prompt:

There is a growing trend of a four-day school week in the United States. This initiative introduces an alternative schedule in which students attend school for four days a week, as opposed to the conventional five-day schedule. While it can have several advantages, it also entails a set of drawbacks.

Is this a positive or negative development?



In recent years, there has been a considerable debate regarding the implementation of a four-day school week by our government. While some assert that this initiative may adversely affect the overall development of students, I firmly believe it represents a positive step forward due to three key factors.

One noteworthy benefit is the opportunity for students to dedicate more time to their educational growth. Our government has recently introduced E-portfolios as an integral part of the curriculum. These electronic portfolios serve as a comprehensive record of students’ academic achievements, showcasing their progress, skills, and accomplishments throughout their schooling. The extra day off allows students the invaluable time needed to meticulously update their E-portfolios, ensuring that they meet the government’s requirements and reflect their academic journey accurately.

Beyond academics, this student-friendly policy enables students to strike a healthier work-life balance, reducing stress and burnout. The enormous demands of academic studies can often lead to mental health issues for students, particularly for those who struggle to manage high levels of stress. For example, I had a classmate who was diagnosed with depression in the wake of repeatedly receiving poor grades in high-stakes examinations. Ultimately, for the sake of her well-being, she had to take a suspension from school.

Additionally, students may have an increased autonomy over their time. With more free time at their disposal, students can pursue their hobbies and tend to personal matters. They can allocate more quality time to their families and friends, strengthening these important relationships and fostering a sense of connection. This improved social equilibrium enriches their personal lives and equips them with interpersonal skills for their future endeavors.

In conclusion, the implementation of a four-day school week empowers students to harness their time more effectively, whether it is for educational pursuits like managing E-portfolios or simply spending quality time with loved ones. This policy not only facilitates their learning but also equips them with the tools and experiences necessary for a more promising and fulfilling future.





General Statement

In recent years, there has been considerable debate over whether our government should implement a four-day school week.


Topic Sentence

While some argue this initiative has an adverse impact on the overall development of students, I firmly believe it is a positive development due to three significant factors.


Reason 1 & Example 1

One of the most immediate benefits is the reduction of stress and burnout. The high intensity of academic studies can lead to mental health issues for students, especially those who cannot cope with tremendous stress. For instance, one of my classmates was diagnosed with depression after experiencing repeated poor grades in her exams. Eventually, for the sake of her health, she was suspended from school.


Reason 2 & Example 2

Another benefit of this student-friendly policy is the increased control over their time. With more free time at their disposal, students can delve into their hobbies and address personal matters. This not only allows them to dedicate additional time to their families and friends but also enables them to make plans for their future.


Reason 3 & Example 3

Addressing budgetary constraints is the additional advantage of introducing an alternative schedule. A shorter school week can alleviate the financial burden on schools, requiring fewer staff and allowing more resources to be allocated to students.



Given the above three reasons, a four-day school week is beneficial for students and schools, creating a win-win situation.




Positive Development


Longer Weekends

Longer weekends can provide students and teachers with more time to rest and recharge, potentially reducing stress and burnout. It can also allow for extended family time and extracurricular activities.


Cost Savings

Operating schools for one less day each week can address budgetary constraints and staffing shortages. This can also result in several cost-saving benefits, including reduced transportation costs, lower utility expenses, and decreased maintenance costs.


Increased Teacher Morale

Teachers may appreciate the additional planning and grading time a four-day week provides, leading to higher job satisfaction and potentially better teaching quality.


Improved Concentration

Students may be more focused during the shorter school days because they have fewer hours of instruction each day.



Negative Development


Childcare Issues

Longer weekends can create childcare challenges for working parents who need to find supervision for their children on the fifth day. This can impose a financial burden on parents due to increased childcare costs.


Impact on Learning

Some students may struggle with the compressed schedule, as they may find it difficult to absorb information in longer class periods. This could potentially affect academic performance.


Standardized Testing Concerns

Shorter school weeks can affect standardized testing schedules and preparation. Schools may need to adjust their curriculum and testing plans to accommodate the reduced instructional time.


Meal Programs

Some students from impoverished backgrounds rely on school meals as a primary source of nutrition. A shorter school week implies that they might miss out on those meals for an additional day.

Monday, September 4, 2023

We're employed in a workplace environment that is hostile towards its employees. Our coworkers sometimes contribute to a decline in our morale, making us appear indifferent and overly cautious. The greater our sincerity, the higher the susceptibility to emotional wounds.

The perpetual discourtesy of our colleagues continuously corrodes my demeanor, chips away at my composure, and dampens my enthusiasm, ultimately leaving me in a state of hyper-vigilance. And these unpleasant feelings sometimes bring me down.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Award Ceremony 

On July 2, 2023, the 34th Golden Melody Awards took place at Taipei Arena, with 169 artists and works competing for 27 awards. The awards ceremony was broadcast on TVBS and hosted by Mickey Huang, a celebrity who has been accused of a series of sexual harassments.

In this star-studded awards ceremony, a singer with a physical disability, named A Lucky, was in the spotlight. He defeated all of his rivals and got nominated for the Best Male Singer Award.

Despite not having released a lot of albums over the years, the latest one that he released last year was one of the best-selling hits. This achievement had him granted the Best Male Singer Award.

When he was on the stage, he was extremely excited and showed gratitude to his wife for her steadfast companion. “Just like my name that literally means ‘auspicious,’ I am blessed with good fortune and happiness,” he said.

Although he used a wheelchair for mobility, physical disability does not become a barrier to pursuing his passion for music and performance.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence


Writing Prompt:

Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans.


Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.





The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked / ignited a lively / heated debate about its potential impact on society. While some individuals are sanguine about the positive changes AI can bring, others raise concerns about the readiness of humans to navigate a world where computers outpace / outstrip human intelligence. This essay will delve into both perspectives, scrutinizing / examining the potential benefits of AI as well as the apprehensions surrounding its deployment. Finally, I will present my own opinion on this matter.


Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of AI

Artificial intelligence exhibits substantial potential for augmenting diverse aspects / facets of human existence. One primary advantage lies in the realm of automation. AI-powered systems have the capacity to streamline monotonous and arduous / laborious tasks, freeing up valuable time for individuals to engage in more ingenious and intellectually stimulating endeavors. For instance, industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and customer service can derive significant advantages from the implementation of AI technologies, resulting in increased efficiency and improved productivity.


Body Paragraph 2: Concerns about AI dominance

Nevertheless, the prospect of computers surpassing human intelligence gives rise to legitimate concerns. One notable apprehension is the potential displacement of human workers. As AI continues to evolve / advance, there is a possibility of job losses, particularly in sectors where mundane tasks can be readily automated. Furthermore, the ethical implications / ramifications of creating super-intelligent machines raise questions about control and accountability. If AI systems were to outstrip human intelligence, ensuring their alignment with human values and preempting unforeseen consequences becomes an imperative challenge.


Body Paragraph 3: Mitigating concerns and harnessing AI’s potential

To address these concerns, proactive measures are imperative. First and foremost, the development and implementation of robust ethical frameworks are indispensable for governing the use of AI technology. Guidelines and regulations must be established to ensure that AI systems are aligned with human values, prioritize safety, and avoid harm. Additionally, the need for continuous upskilling and education cannot be overemphasized. By embracing lifelong learning, individuals can adapt to evolving technological landscapes and acquire the skills necessary to complement AI systems rather than being superseded by them.



In conclusion, divergent viewpoints exist regarding the impact of artificial intelligence, with some individuals embracing its potential for positive transformations while others expressing concerns about human readiness in a world dominated by intelligent machines. Nonetheless, through leveraging the benefits of AI and addressing concerns through ethical frameworks and ongoing education, we can harness its potential for the betterment of society. To navigate this ever-evolving landscape, collaboration between humans and AI will be pivotal, enabling us to create a future where AI augments human capabilities rather than supplants them.


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Refraining from Using ChatGPT (AI)



Refraining from Using ChatGPT (AI)



Refraining from Using ChatGPT (AI)


In the era of big data, technology has become seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, facilitating / enabling / allowing the digital transformation of nearly every aspect / facet of our existence. With just a simple click, people can effortlessly access a vast amount of information. Nonetheless, not all technological advancements prove beneficial. Amidst the plethora of high-tech products, ChatGPT is the specific application I decided to refrain from using. In this essay, I shall unveil the potential drawbacks of artificial intelligence (AI), which can demonstrate the driving force behind my withdrawal from this popular app.


Body 1: Job Displacement

One significant concern associated with ChatGPT is its potential contribution to gig economy and unemployment. As AI technologies become more sophisticated, they can automate traditional work processes, rendering low-skilled, back-office jobs obsolete. Organizations may opt to replace human workers with AI systems in order to reduce costs, streamline workflows and increase productivity. However, this shift can lead to economic and social challenges, such as unemployment and income inequality. According to a recent study, a wide range of jobs is vulnerable / susceptible to AI automation with liberal arts fields particularly affected by the consequences of this digital revolution.


Body 2: Privacy Breaches

Privacy and data security represent another critical repercussion of AI technology. While the success of ChatGPT is contingent upon extensive data to provide accurate insights, the collection and use of personal information raise ethical questions. Indiscriminate data gathering can leave individuals vulnerable to privacy breaches, both in the digital and real world. Moreover, malicious people could exploit informed AI systems for criminal purposes, posing a risk to / compromising personal safety and security.


Body 3: Ethical Issues

Despite AI’s capability to streamline workflows and enhance multifaceted aspects of our lives, ethical considerations cast a shadow over its prospects. AI systems are trained on existing data, implying they may inadvertently incorporate biases and perpetuate unfair practices. If the scope of databases is not carefully monitored and regulated, AI algorithms can reinforce discrimination and amplify social inequalities. Moreover, if those specializing in artificial intelligence prioritize personal gain over ethical principles, the unparalleled computational power of AI could exert control over human society.



In light of the negative impacts that ChatGPT brings to economic development, privacy, and ethical concerns, it is of paramount importance to approach the evolution of AI technology with moderation. By carefully considering the downsides and implementing necessary safeguards, we can harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its adverse effects.



Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Roadside Banquet

                         Roadside Banquet

A prestigious university in a thriving metropolis was ablaze/abuzz with jubilation. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and cheerful chatter. The NTU Graduation Association had organized a grand roadside banquet on the Royal Palm Boulevard, transforming it into a vibrant and festive venue.

The preparations for the banquet had been meticulous (Þ very careful). Two hundred tables were set up on the boulevard, each one adorned / decorated with colorful tablecloths and elegant centerpieces. The tables were arranged in neat rows, forming a picturesque scene that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a testament to the hard work and dedication of the association members who had put their hearts into making this event a resounding success.

As the evening wore on / As the afternoon was slowly fading into twilight, the graduating students emerged from various corners of the campus, radiating an air of confidence and pride. They donned their bachelor hoods, each representing their respective colleges, a symbol of their academic achievements and their journeys through NTU. Excitement and nostalgia permeated the air as lifelong friendships were rekindled, and memories of their university years were shared with laughter and emotion. 

Tucked along the boulevard stood a stage where graduating students displayed their diverse virtuosity. Some, bare-chested, took to the stage, playing the electric guitar to liven up the ambience. Others displayed their mastery of various instruments, filling the night air with melodies that resonated deep within the hearts of those present. For those who did not perform, they posed for a group photo with their smiles illuminating the evening sky. They stood shoulder to shoulder, ready to embark on the next chapter of their lives. It was a moment of unity and camaraderie that captured the essence of their time at college. 

The university president, along with the esteemed faculty members, meandering through the exuberant crowd, stopping at each table to toast the students. Amidst the clinking of glasses and hearty cheers, the faculty members extended their blessings, spoke of the endless possibilities that awaited them, and encouraged the graduates to stare down adversity and conquer it. It was a moment of inspiration, which ignited the students’ ambitions and served as a powerful reminder of the immense potential they possessed. 

The echoes of laughter and cheers still lingered in the air as the NTU roadside banquet was winding down. The event became a melting pot of joy, gratitude, and a tinge of melancholy. It was a bittersweet farewell to a cherished chapter of their lives, but it was also a moment of eager anticipation as students looked ahead to new odyssey that lay beyond the university’s walls.


Saturday, June 3, 2023

Describe some technology you decided to stop using

Describe some technology you decided to stop using 


In today’s digital era, technology has seamlessly integrated into our lives, offering connectivity to a vast realm of information and individuals. However, not all technological advancements prove advantageous. One particular technological phenomenon that I consciously chose to relinquish is social media. Although it initially presented a platform for social interaction and information exchange, I eventually discerned its detrimental effects on my overall well-being and productivity. In this essay, I shall delve into the reasons behind my decision to stop using social media and explore the positive impact it has had on my life.


Body 1: The Allure of Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionized the way we communicate and share experiences. Initially, I was captivated by the ability to connect with friends, follow influencers, and stay updated on current events. The constant stream of content and the instant gratification from likes and comments created a sense of validation and belonging. However, as time elapsed, I noticed how my excessive use of social media began to encroach upon my personal life and overall well-being.


Body 2: The Dark Side of Social Media

While social media facilitated connectivity and engagement, it also spawned a myriad of adverse consequences. First and foremost, it became a source of distraction, monopolizing my time and attention. The endless scrolling through feeds consumed valuable hours that could have been spent on more meaningful pursuits. Moreover, social media often fostered a culture of comparison and self-doubt. Constant exposure to carefully curated highlights of others’ lives led to feelings of inadequacy and envy, thereby negatively impacting my self-esteem.


Body 3: The Decline of Authentic Connections

Another crucial factor that led me to abandon social media was the erosion of genuine human connections. Online interactions, often reduced to mere likes and comments, proved to be a poor substitute for face-to-face conversations and genuine relationships. The constant need for validation and the superficial nature of digital interactions left me craving more authentic connections. It became apparent that social media was distancing me from the real world, exacerbating a sense of solitude despite being in constant virtual communion.


Body 4: Reclaiming My Time and Focus

Cognizant of the detrimental influence of social media on my life, I resolved to extricate myself from its clutches. Freed from the relentless distractions and addictive allure of social media, I regained control over my time and focus. Rediscovering the pleasure derived from neglected activities such as reading, pursuing hobbies, and cherishing quality time with loved ones, I found myself becoming more productive and fulfilled in both personal and professional spheres. The restoration of laser-like concentration and a diminution of digital cacophony constituted a profound transformation.


Body 5: Embracing a Balanced Digital Lifestyle

Giving up social media did not entail an absolute disconnection of technology. Instead, it ushered in a more intentional and balanced approach to my digital life. I now leverage technology for its positive aspects, such as educational resources, professional networking, and staying connected with loved ones through private messaging platforms. By setting boundaries and consciously curating my online experiences, I have successfully reclaimed my mental well-being and regained a sense of mastery over my digital presence.



While social media platforms undoubtedly have their benefits, it is incumbent upon individuals to recognize their potential adverse impacts. The decision to stop using social media allowed me to break free from distractions, reclaim my time, and foster genuine connections. By adopting a balanced approach to technology, I have discovered a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. It is essential for individuals to evaluate the technologies they engage with and make wise choices that align themselves with their well-being and personal goals.

  Writing Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week   Writing Prompt: There is a growing trend of a four-day school week i...