Saturday, September 16, 2023



Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week


Writing Prompt:

There is a growing trend of a four-day school week in the United States. This initiative introduces an alternative schedule in which students attend school for four days a week, as opposed to the conventional five-day schedule. While it can have several advantages, it also entails a set of drawbacks.

Is this a positive or negative development?



In recent years, there has been a considerable debate regarding the implementation of a four-day school week by our government. While some assert that this initiative may adversely affect the overall development of students, I firmly believe it represents a positive step forward due to three key factors.

One noteworthy benefit is the opportunity for students to dedicate more time to their educational growth. Our government has recently introduced E-portfolios as an integral part of the curriculum. These electronic portfolios serve as a comprehensive record of students’ academic achievements, showcasing their progress, skills, and accomplishments throughout their schooling. The extra day off allows students the invaluable time needed to meticulously update their E-portfolios, ensuring that they meet the government’s requirements and reflect their academic journey accurately.

Beyond academics, this student-friendly policy enables students to strike a healthier work-life balance, reducing stress and burnout. The enormous demands of academic studies can often lead to mental health issues for students, particularly for those who struggle to manage high levels of stress. For example, I had a classmate who was diagnosed with depression in the wake of repeatedly receiving poor grades in high-stakes examinations. Ultimately, for the sake of her well-being, she had to take a suspension from school.

Additionally, students may have an increased autonomy over their time. With more free time at their disposal, students can pursue their hobbies and tend to personal matters. They can allocate more quality time to their families and friends, strengthening these important relationships and fostering a sense of connection. This improved social equilibrium enriches their personal lives and equips them with interpersonal skills for their future endeavors.

In conclusion, the implementation of a four-day school week empowers students to harness their time more effectively, whether it is for educational pursuits like managing E-portfolios or simply spending quality time with loved ones. This policy not only facilitates their learning but also equips them with the tools and experiences necessary for a more promising and fulfilling future.





General Statement

In recent years, there has been considerable debate over whether our government should implement a four-day school week.


Topic Sentence

While some argue this initiative has an adverse impact on the overall development of students, I firmly believe it is a positive development due to three significant factors.


Reason 1 & Example 1

One of the most immediate benefits is the reduction of stress and burnout. The high intensity of academic studies can lead to mental health issues for students, especially those who cannot cope with tremendous stress. For instance, one of my classmates was diagnosed with depression after experiencing repeated poor grades in her exams. Eventually, for the sake of her health, she was suspended from school.


Reason 2 & Example 2

Another benefit of this student-friendly policy is the increased control over their time. With more free time at their disposal, students can delve into their hobbies and address personal matters. This not only allows them to dedicate additional time to their families and friends but also enables them to make plans for their future.


Reason 3 & Example 3

Addressing budgetary constraints is the additional advantage of introducing an alternative schedule. A shorter school week can alleviate the financial burden on schools, requiring fewer staff and allowing more resources to be allocated to students.



Given the above three reasons, a four-day school week is beneficial for students and schools, creating a win-win situation.




Positive Development


Longer Weekends

Longer weekends can provide students and teachers with more time to rest and recharge, potentially reducing stress and burnout. It can also allow for extended family time and extracurricular activities.


Cost Savings

Operating schools for one less day each week can address budgetary constraints and staffing shortages. This can also result in several cost-saving benefits, including reduced transportation costs, lower utility expenses, and decreased maintenance costs.


Increased Teacher Morale

Teachers may appreciate the additional planning and grading time a four-day week provides, leading to higher job satisfaction and potentially better teaching quality.


Improved Concentration

Students may be more focused during the shorter school days because they have fewer hours of instruction each day.



Negative Development


Childcare Issues

Longer weekends can create childcare challenges for working parents who need to find supervision for their children on the fifth day. This can impose a financial burden on parents due to increased childcare costs.


Impact on Learning

Some students may struggle with the compressed schedule, as they may find it difficult to absorb information in longer class periods. This could potentially affect academic performance.


Standardized Testing Concerns

Shorter school weeks can affect standardized testing schedules and preparation. Schools may need to adjust their curriculum and testing plans to accommodate the reduced instructional time.


Meal Programs

Some students from impoverished backgrounds rely on school meals as a primary source of nutrition. A shorter school week implies that they might miss out on those meals for an additional day.

Monday, September 4, 2023

We're employed in a workplace environment that is hostile towards its employees. Our coworkers sometimes contribute to a decline in our morale, making us appear indifferent and overly cautious. The greater our sincerity, the higher the susceptibility to emotional wounds.

The perpetual discourtesy of our colleagues continuously corrodes my demeanor, chips away at my composure, and dampens my enthusiasm, ultimately leaving me in a state of hyper-vigilance. And these unpleasant feelings sometimes bring me down.

  Writing Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week   Writing Prompt: There is a growing trend of a four-day school week i...