Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Petition to Protect Endangered Animals

A Petition to Protect Endangered Animals

A Petition to Protect Endangered Animals

Write a letter to your government and call for the protection of endangered animals such as pandas and polar bears. You should draw up your petition, illustrate why you want to protect endangered animals and give some suggestions on how to put your ideas into practice.


To whom it may concern:

As global warming continues ravaging our earth, its irreversible impacts also begin to hit home. Human beings are not the only victim that bears the brunt of this climate catastrophe. In fact, a growing number of animals are either in danger / jeopardy / peril or on the verge of extinction. Since each species plays a crucial role in our ecosystem, I am petitioning for the protection of the animals which are vulnerable / susceptible to climate change and human activity, both of which are the bane of the apocalyptic warnings. (= Given the crucial role each species plays in our ecosystem, I am petitioning for the protection of the animals jeopardized by climate change and human activity, both of them being a recipe for the Apocalypse.)

Of all the endangered animals, pandas and polar bears are currently facing an imminent threat to life, so it is high time that we should take precautions to protect them. For example, the authorities concerned are advised to tighten up the rules prohibiting illegal logging / illegal deforestation from destroying the habitats of pandas. Violators should be subject to heavy penalties or ten-year incarceration if they flagrantly flout / defy / violate / breach the law. In addition, the Department of Environment could campaign for the reduction of CO2 emissions to keep the sea ice and glaciers from melting in the vicinity of the Arctic. Educational institutes, on the other hand, should be accountable for raising public awareness about the dire consequences of the escalating temperatures and rising sea levels, which are the two factors driving / pushing our Earth closer to a critical climate threshold. If our government, together with the public, does their part, polar bears might be less likely to lose their home or drown in the ocean.

Your decision will have a profound impact on the survival of human beings and animals. I hope you can accept my humble suggestions and take immediate action to save as many endangered animals as possible.


Kind regards,

Aaron N.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, the language and structure of the letter are clear and coherent. The writer has used a range of vocabulary to convey their message and ideas effectively. There are a few minor issues with grammar and word choice, but they do not detract significantly from the overall quality of the letter.

    Grade: 28/30


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