Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Close Call


A Close Call

Writing Prompt:

Please write a 120-word story based on the picture given below. Your story should include:

1) what happened to the lady;

2) how she reacted to the incident you described;

3) how or why she dealt with the incident;

4) what she thought of the incident that astonished her.



While taking a shower at her new condo, Katsudon Karaage, a registered nurse working at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, found a lump in her right breast. Panicking, she suspected that she might have got breast cancer, which made up/accounted for 30 percent of all cancer cases in women globally. Since she had seen many cancer-stricken women die a slow, painful death at the ICU (intensive care unit), the thought of getting an incurable disease just made her chilled to the marrow.

Karaage did not want to die of cancer, so she registered with an oncologist online to make sure if she needed to receive radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Not until she got her diagnostic report did she feel a huge surge of relief. She was diagnosed with a benign tumor rather than a malignant one. The doctor prescribed her some FDA-approved drugs with one tablet taken three times a day. She needed to have her prescription filled at a government-funded pharmacy. On top of that, the doctor recommended that she do a breast self-exam once a month because patients might have a high chance of recovering if breast cancer is detected and treated early.

In the wake of this unpleasant experience, Katsudon Karaage became a volunteer at the Formosa Society, a nonprofit organization whose aim is to raise funds for cancer research and increase public awareness of breast cancer.



Katsudon Karaage, a certified nurse laboring at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, made a serendipitous discovery while indulging in her ablutions at her novel condo - a palpable lump in her right mammary gland. Feeling anxious and apprehensive, she suspected the lump to be cancerous, which comprises a staggering 30% of all cancer occurrences in females worldwide. Having witnessed several cancer-afflicted women endure a protracted and torturous demise at the ICU, the thought of contracting an incurable malady sent shivers down her spine.

Determined not to succumb to cancer, she proactively engaged an online oncologist to verify if she necessitated radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Only after receiving her diagnostic report did she feel an immense sense of relief. Her affliction was a benign neoplasm instead of a malignant one. The doctor prescribed her with some FDA-endorsed medicaments to be consumed thrice a day. She had to acquire her prescription from a government-subsidized pharmacy. Furthermore, the physician recommended that she perform a monthly breast self-examination as timely detection and treatment of breast cancer confers a higher likelihood of recuperation.

Subsequent to this unnerving experience, Katsudon Karaage became a volunteer at the Formosa Society, a charitable organization striving to amass funds for cancer research and to augment public cognizance of breast cancer.

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