Saturday, April 29, 2023




Most societies have homeless people. Some people think that the best way to help them is to give them money.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



It is acknowledged that our society comprises people with varying financial circumstances, and homeless individuals are also a part of this spectrum. However, it might not be entirely apparent to the privileged that the homeless make up for a significant proportion of the urban population. As a result, people may assume that financial aid will end the plight of the destitute. From my perspective, mere monetary support makes a modest contribution to this social problem. In the following paragraphs, I will substantiate my claims through providing an in-depth analysis of this issue.

Admittedly, financial assistance to hobos might help address their short-term problems. If homeless people were granted $3,500, they could have easier access to healthcare, food and accommodations. For example, dozens of transient people have been encamping in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside for more than five decades. When the temperature drops below freezing in winter, they have access to funds to purchase hot food and short-term accommodations. If homeless people were not given money, they would freeze to death outside in the harsh winter.

Despite the benefits of this subsidy policy, giving vagrants money is just an expedient measure to tackle the problem of homelessness. There has been evidence that the majority of derelicts are victims of drug abuse, and as such any kind of monetary assistance will only help enable and worsen their drug addiction. Unfortunately, some people with substance use disorders may prioritize buying drugs or alcohol over basic needs like food and shelter. This can lead to ongoing reliance on external support, as these individuals continue to struggle with addiction and financial instability.

Moreover, people who pretend to be homeless might abuse financial aid. In fact, some individuals are either unemployed or too lazy to earn money, and they do not scruple to take advantage of people’s sympathy to make their own living. They just wear like vagabonds, panhandling in the subways or downtown areas although they already have their own houses. Therefore, it is unfair and preposterous to give money to those fake homeless people who should have had enough capability to work.

According to a report by the National Coalition for the Homeless, only about 10-20% of homeless individuals are chronically homeless, while the vast majority experience homelessness for shorter periods due to job loss, eviction, or other economic hardship. This suggests that financial aid alone may not address the root causes of homelessness and may only provide temporary relief.

Additionally, studies have shown that providing permanent housing with supportive services, such as mental health and addiction treatment, can be a more effective and cost-efficient solution for addressing homelessness. For example, a study conducted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness found that providing permanent supportive housing reduced chronic homelessness by 30% and saved taxpayers $4,000 per person per year compared to providing emergency shelter and other temporary solutions.

In conclusion, providing homeless people with money might help them get basic amenities such as medical care, food, clothing, and shelter; however, these are only surface-level improvements and temporary solutions. Therefore, those in positions of authority should come up with a feasible way to help the socially disadvantaged.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, the essay is well-written and organized, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The language used is coherent and flows smoothly, with proper sentence structures and vocabulary choices. The writer effectively presents their opinion on the topic and provides evidence to support their claims.

    In terms of language proficiency, the writer demonstrates a strong command of the English language, with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout the essay. The analysis of the issue is logical and grounded in empirical evidence, which helps to strengthen the writer's argument.

    Taking into account all of the above factors, I would give this essay a score of 27 out of 30. The only area that could be improved is in the use of transitions between paragraphs, which could help to create a smoother flow between ideas.


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